Neue Publikation unter Mitwirkung der NOeG:
Chaskel, Rico, Getzner, Michael, Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia, Riphahn, Regina T. and Schmidheiny, Kurt. "Zugang zu Forschungsdaten in den D-A-CH-Ländern: Eine Vermessung der (Un-)Zufriedenheit" Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 2024.
Open Access: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
The winners of the Young Economist Award 2024; from the left: Prof. E. Schulev-Steindl, Rector of BOKU University; Prof. K. Salhofer, Chair of NOeG 2024
Award winners from the top: S. Hager, K. Drescher, M. Böck
The winners of the Young Economist Award 2023; from the left: A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz (NOeG president), M. Valente, L. Gschwent, M. Boeck, K. Nowotny (Chair of NOeG 2023)
Call for Papers:
NOeG Annual Conference, September 23-24, 2025: "Migration as an Economic Reality"
The 2025 annual conference of NOeG will take place from 23rd to 24th September 2025 at the University for Continuing Education Krems (Donau-Universität Krems); the chair of the local organizing comittee is Prof. Mathias Czaika of the Department for Migration and Globalisation.
All conference details can be found at the 2025 NOeG Annual conference homepage.
The call for papers can also be found here, please submit your paper until March 15th, 2025.NOeG WU Winter Workshop 2024 (December 18th to 19th, 2024)
Our 6th winter workshop @WU Wien ( is open for young Austrian economists working abroad or in Austria.
The program is now online - details and the registration to the workshop including the keynote speech can be found at the WU workshop's website.
Prof. Gabriel Felbermayr, chair of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), will hold the keynote speech.The NOeG Annual Conference 2024 took place from Sept 2nd to 3rd @BOKU
The International Conference around the main topic "Transition to a Low Carbon Economy" was most successful. A report of Prof. Klaus Salhofer, chair of the conference, can be found here.Young Economist Award 2024
In the course of the NOeG Jahrestagung 2024 (Annual Conference of the Austrian Economic Association), three researchers (<35 yrs) received the Young Economist Award 2024 for their outstanding papers presented at the conference. The award is sponsored by the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB). The winners are:
Sebastian Hager (LMU), “Speaking of Gender: Superiors’ Gender Attitudes and Women’s Careers”
Katharina Drescher (Passau), “Does School Social Work Work? Evidence from Crime and Education”
Maximilian Böck (FAU Nürnberg), “Belief Distortions in Risk Premia”NOeG Dissertation Fellowships 2024 awarded
The NOeG board has awarded the NOeG Dissertation Fellowships 2023, based on recommendations and reviews by the NOeG fellowship jury, consisting of A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, J. Crespo Cuaresma, R. Winter-Ebmer, and M. Getzner, to the following excellent dissertation research projects:
Flora Stiftinger, Johannes Kepler University Linz: “Collective bargaining and worker effort” (Supervisor: G. Pruckner, JKU)
Elshan Garashli, University of Graz: “Benchmark Fixing as a Multi-sender Cheap-talk” (Supervisor: C. Kuzmics)Neue Publikation unter Mitwirkung der NOeG
Chaskel, Rico, Getzner, Michael, Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Alexia, Riphahn, Regina T. and Schmidheiny, Kurt. "Zugang zu Forschungsdaten in den D-A-CH-Ländern: Eine Vermessung der (Un-)Zufriedenheit" Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 2024.
Open Access: Perspektiven der WirtschaftspolitikCall for Papers:
NOeG Annual Conference, September 2nd to 3rd, 2024: "Transition to a Low Carbon Economy"
The 2024 annual conference of NOeG will take place from 2nd to 3rd September 2024 at Vienna's University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU); the chair of the local organizing comittee is Prof. Klaus Salhofer of the Institute of Sustainable Economic Development.
All conference details can be found at the 2024 NOeG Annual conference homepage.
The call for papers can also be found here.NOeG Dissertation Fellowships 2024
Die Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft (NOeG) schreibt für 2024 wieder eine Jung-Ökonom_innen-Förderung aus (5.4.2024; Einreichschluss 30.6.2024)
Die Ausschreibung finden Sie hier.NOeG Blog "Der ökonomische Blick"
Seit 2019 erscheint in Zusammenarbeit mit der Tageszeitung Die Presse der NOeG-Blog "Der ökonomische Blick" mit wöchentlichen Beiträgen zu verschiedenen ökonomischen Themen.
Der Blog ist hier erreichbar.NOeG WU Winter Workshop 2023 (December 20th to 22nd, 2023)
Our 5th winter workshop @WU Wien ( is open for young Austrian economists working abroad or in Austria.
This year's keynote speech is delivered by Prof. Matthias Doepke (LSE) on "The Economics of Parenting":
December 20th, 2023, 6pm @ WU: Library & Learning Center Festsaal 1
Introduction and chair: Prof. Gerlinde Fellner-Röhling, WU WienYoung Economist Award 2023
In the course of the NOeG Jahrestagung 2023 (Annual Conference of the Austrian Economic Association), three researchers (<35 yrs) received the Young Economist Award 2023 for their outstanding papers presented at the conference. The award is sponsored by the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB). The winners are:
Maximilian BOECK (Bocconi University, with Lorenzo Mori): “U.S. Monetary Policy and Globalization: A Time-Varying Perspective”
Lorenz GSCHWENT (University of Duisburg-Essen, with Marcel Caesmann, Janis Goldzycher and Matteo Grigoletto): “The End that Justifies the Means: Censorship in Democracy”
Marica VALENTE (University of Innsbruck, with Melissa Newham): “The Cost of Influence: How Gifts to Physicians Shape Prescriptions and Drug Costs”NOeG Dissertation Fellowships 2023 awarded
The NOeG board has awarded the NOeG Dissertation Fellowships 2023, based on recommendations and reviews by the NOeG fellowship jury, consisting of A. Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, J. Crespo Cuaresma, R. Winter-Ebmer, and M. Getzner, to the following excellent dissertation research projects:
Eva Preinfalk, University of Graz: “Wildfire induced asset stranding in agriculture & forestry – a macroeconomic assessment of the value at risk in Southern Europe” (supervisor: B. Bednar-Friedl)
Viola Garstenauer, TU Wien: „Somewhere in Between – Cohabiting Couples and their Role in Tax Policy” (supervisor: N. Siassi)
Anna Matzner, WU Wien: “The Corporate Sector Effect of Carbon Pricing under the Microscope”(supervisor: H. Badinger)
Lukas Lehner, University of Oxford: “Reframing Active Labor Market Policy: Field experiments on barriers to program participation” (supervisor: B. Nolan, B. Ebbinghaus)NOeG WU Winter Workshop 2023 (December 20th to 22nd, 2023) - Call for Papers
Our 5th winter workshop @WU Wien ( is open for young Austrian economists working abroad or in Austria - papers can be submitted in all fields of Economics; this year's keynote speech is delivered by Matthias Doepke (LSE) on "The Economics of Parenting"
Deadline for Paper submissions: September 30th, 2023; for all details, see the call for papers.Jahrestagung der NOeG 2023 - Annual Conference of the Austrian Economic Association
General topic of the conference: "Economics in Times of Uncertainty"
Our annual conference takes place from 28th to 29th September 2023 at the University of Salzburg:
Conference website and call for Papers.
Keynote speakers: Claudia Steinwender, LMU Munich; Maximilian Kasy, University of Oxford
Deadline for Paper submissions: May 31, 2023, via Dissertation Fellowships 2023
Die Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft (NOeG) schreibt für 2023 wieder eine Jung-Ökonom_innen-Förderung aus (21.3.2023; Einreichschluss 30.6.2023)
Die Ausschreibung finden Sie hier.Young Economists Award 2022 - Preisträger
Johanna Reuter (Johannes Kepler University Linz) and Martin Habetz (European University Institute (EUI))
Fabian Greimel (University of Amsterdam) and Moritz Dreichsel-Grau (University of Zurich)
Martin Wolf (University of St. Gallen) and Leopold Zessner-Spitzenberg (Humboldt University of Berlin)Aufruf österreichischer Ökonominnen und Ökonomen
Sie finden hier einen aktuellen Aufruf zahlreicher Ökonom:innen anlässlich des Kriegs gegen die Ukraine.
Blog in Kooperation mit der "Presse"
Von Finanzen über Volkswirtschaft bis hin zu Politik: im "ökonomischen Blick" schreiben jede Woche Ökonom*innen einen neuen Beitrag zu einem aktuellen Thema
Frühere Veranstaltungen
NOeG Winter Workshop 2022
December 20-22, WU Wien. ProgrammJahrestagung 2022
Die Jahrestagung der Nationalökonomischen Gesellschaft fand am 19. und 20. September 2022 an der Universität Wien zum Thema "Challenges in the Post-Pandemic Economy" statt. Das Protokoll finden Sie hier.Die NOeG Jahrestagung 2021 fand am 24. und 25.6. in Innsbruck statt.
NOeG Dissertation Fellowship 2020
Die Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft schreibt abermals eine Jung-Ökonom_innen-Förderung aus (15.3.2020; Einreichschluss 1.10.2020)4. Winter Workshop, Dez.2020: abgesagt
Preisträger_innen des Young Economist Awards 2020
Lorenz Fischer und Michael Brottrager (Universität Linz), Anthony Lepinteur (University of Luxembourg) und Sofie Waltl (WU Wien, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER)) und Jakob Mikkelsen und Johannes Poeschl (Danmarks Nationalbank)NOeG Jahrestagung 24. & 25.02.2020
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien. Generalthema war Evidence-Based Economic Policy Making (Paper submission bis 1. November 2019, Session Submission bis 15. Oktober 2019).3. Winter Workshop 18. & 19.12.2019
WU WienPreisträger_innen des Young Economist Awards 2019
Birgit MEYER (WU Wien), Simon MARTIN (Universität Wien), Martin KERNDLER (TU Wien)NOeG Dissertation Fellowship 2019
Die Nationalökonomische Gesellschaft schreibt abermals eine Jung-Ökonom_innen-Förderung aus (3.5.2019; Einreichschluss 15.9.2019)NOeG Jahrestagung 25. & 26.04.2019
Universität GrazPreisträger_innen des NOeG Dissertation Fellowships 2018
zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses: Boris Knapp (University of Vienna) and Atanas Pekanov (WU Vienna and WIFO)2. Winter Workshop 18. bis 20.12.2018
WU WienPreisträger_innen des Young Economist Awards 2018
Florian Huber, Christian Hotz-Behofsits, Thomas Zörner (WU Wien), Martin Kerndler (TU Wien), und Yuliya Kulikova (Bank of Spain).NOeG Jahrestagung 11. & 12.05.2018
Technischen Universität Wien. Generalthema ist die Zukunft des GesundheitswesensPreisträger_innen des NOeG Dissertation Fellowships 2017
zur Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses:
Cornelius Hirsch (WU Wien), Margit Reischer (Cambridge) und Katrin Zocher (JKU Linz)Höhepunkte der Jahrestagung 2017 in Linz – eine Rückschau